Good Research Is The Key To Successful Surgery
Feb 22, 2015
Deciding to undertake cosmetic surgery of any form is a big decision and should not be entered into lightly. Failing to research your chosen cosmetic surgeon or surgery practice thoroughly prior to having work done can result in problems occurring during and after the procedure. Nobody wants to spend time and money having corrective work done, or even worse be in pain or suffering as a result of badly performed surgery. Thorough research is the key to getting it right!
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50 Shades Of Great Skin!
Feb 13, 2015
The skin on our faces tells so much about us. How old we are, how much we worry and even about the kind of life we lead. You can apply lotions and potions, wear make up and even change your hairstyle, but your facial skin will always belie your years. Chemical peels are used to peel or remove dead skin cells to give a firmer, clearer and more youthful appearance.
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Love is in the air once again as we eagerly await the outpouring of sentiment that comes on the 14th of the month. Valentines Day has traditionally always been a time for the men in our lives to shower us ladies with flowers, chocolates and if we are really lucky, romantic meals out or even a nice bit of bling. But what happens after the event? The card gets tucked away in a drawer, the chocs get scoffed and the jewellery gets displayed then slowly tarnished. In this weeks blog, we look at the rising trend for treatments and surgery as romantic gifts. Would you be happy if you received a voucher for Botox in with your blooms?
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